Dr. Reetika Syal is an Assistant Professor at the Centre for Research in Social Sciences and Education, JAIN (Deemed-to-be) University, Bangalore since 2013. She completed her Ph.D in Political Science in 2013 from the Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore, and her thesis title was ‘Civil Society and Inclusive Governance: Delivery of Elementary Education in Madhya Pradesh’. She was also Post-Doctoral Fellow at IIT- Delhi and Wageningen University, The Netherlands in 2018-19, where she worked on a project related to Civil Society Advocacy with her research focusing on State-Civil Society Relations in Disaster Management in India. She presented the findings of her study at three international conferences at International Institute for Social Studies, The Hague, Netherlands, Uppsala University, Sweden, and at Wales Institute of Social and Economics Research, Data and Methods (WISERD), Aberystwyth, U.K.
She has been teaching Political Science, Public Administration and Public Policy related courses to Graduate, Post- Graduate and Doctoral Scholars at JAIN, along with courses on Research Methods and Quantitative Data Analysis to the Doctoral Scholars. She is also a resource person for Faculty Development Program at JAIN. She has also been invited as a guest lecturer to various colleges and universities in Bangalore. She has been a part of Lokniti Network for various elections and democracy related studies and is presently the co-coordinator for Karnataka for the Network. She has also been a resource person for Lokniti’s Annual Summer School on Quantitative Data Analysis at JAIN.
Dr. Syal has presented papers at many international and national conferences, and has also published in journals and in edited books. She was invited as a participant at the Brown International Advanced Research Institute, at Brown University, U.S.A in 2016. Dr. Syal was the International Consultant for the Nepal Governance Survey, a study by the Nepal Planning Commission.
Book Chapters
- (With Sandeep Shastri) ‘The Modi Factor in 2014’, in Electoral Politics in India: The Resurgence of Bharatiya Janata Party, Suhas Palshikar, Sanjay Kumar and Sanjay Lodha (eds), Routledge India Publications, February 2017
- (With Sandeep Shastri, Suhas Palshikar and Shreya Sarawgi) ‘South Asia: An Arm’s Length Embrace of Democracy’ in Growing Up Democratic: Does it Make a Difference?, Robert Mattes, David Denemark and Richard G. Niemi (eds), Lynne Rienner Publishers, July 2016
- ‘Decentralisation and Civil Society: Elementary Education Delivery in Madhya Pradesh’ in Democratic Decentralisation in India-Experiences, Issues and Challenges, E. Venkatesu (ed), Routledge Publications, India, June 2016.
- (With Chetan B.S and Manisha M) ‘Challenges in Higher Education: Interpreting Quality in the Context of Expansion in Indian Higher Education’, in Higher Education: Between Quality and Reservation, Dinesha P.T and Ramesh (eds), Kalpaz Publications, Delhi, 2013
Research Papers
- ‘Good Governance Through E-Governance in Karnataka’ in International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences, ISSN 2250-0588, Volume 08 Issue 1, pp 26-33, January 2018 (with Menaka Thammaiah D)
- ‘Understanding Popular Perceptions of Democracy: Findings from the State of Democracy in South Asia Study and World Values Survey’ in Chanakya- Journal of Political Science at Karnatak University, ISSN No.: 2348-8298, Vol 1,2,3 No.2,3,4 2016, pp 3-23 (with Sandeep Shastri)
- ‘Does Urbanisation Matter? Determining the Political Behaviour of an Urban Voter’ in Punjab University Research Journal of Social Sciences, Vol 22, No. 2, 2014
- Leadership in Context: Impact of Leadership in the 2014 Lok Sabha Elections’, in Economic and Political Weekly, Vol XLIX, No. 39, pp. 77-81, 2014 (with Sandeep Shastri)
- ‘Sheher ka Rujhan’ (Hindi article), in Pratiman: Samay, Samaaj, Sanskriti, Vol 2, Issue 1, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi, pp. 195-200, 2014
- ‘What are the Effects of Educational Mobility on Political Interest and Participation in the Indian Electorate’, Asian Survey, Vol. 52, Number 2, March-April, University of California Press, pp. 423-439, 2012
- ‘Civil Society Organisations and Delivery of Elementary Education in Madhya Pradesh: An Empirical Analysis’, Working Paper No. 268, Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore, 2011
Newspaper Articles
- ‘Sarkari Pradarshan: Naagrik Mulyankan ke nihitarth’ (in Hindi), Rashtriya Sahara, 5th May 2018, Bengaluru (with Priyanca Mathur Velath)
- ‘Implications of citizen evaluation of government’s performance’, Deccan Chronicle, 24th April 2018, Bengaluru (with Priyanca Mathur Velath)
- ‘Only one-fourth happy with Siddu’s stint’, Deccan Chronicle, 24th April 2018, Bengaluru (with Priyanca Mathur Velath)
- ‘Bhagyas to keep CM’s future bright’, Deccan Chronicle, 8th May 2018 (with Priyanca Mathur Velath)
- ‘The UPA II Report Card’, The Hindu, 6th June 2014
Paper Presentations in Conferences/ Seminars (National/ International)
- Space for Civil Society Collaborations: A case of Disaster Governance in India, at 10th Annual Conference of Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods 2019 (WISERD), 3rd -4th July 2019, at Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth, Wales, UK.
- Disaster Governance in India: Exploring Government and Civil Society Collaborations, at the Fourth Northern European Conference on Emergency and Disaster Studies (NEEDS) 2019, 10th – 12th June 2019 at Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
- Citizens and the State: Expectations, Perceptions and Attitudes at Explorations in Indian Democracy, 4th-5th April 2017, at Lokniti, CSDS Delhi (with Tarun Arora)
- Do Issues Matter in Indian Elections at Explorations in Indian Democracy, 4th-5th April 2017, at Lokniti, CSDS Delhi (with Prashant Kumar)
- Effects of Intergenerational Education Mobilisation on Political Interest and Participation: Analysis from 2004 to 2014 at 10 year Re-union Workshop of Summer School on Quantitative Methods in Political Science, 9th-10th July 2016, Jain University Global Campus, Kanakpura, organized by Lokniti-CSDS, Delhi and Jain University, Bangalore.
- Local Institutions: Planning and Service Delivery at Brown International Advanced Research Institute (BIARI) on Governance and Development in the Age of Globalisation, 15th June 2016, organized by Watson Institute for International Affairs at Brown University, Providence, U.S.A. (Group Presentation- presented India data)
- Community Engagement with Higher Educational Institutions and Social Responsibility in Higher Education: Findings from Karnataka at Two-Day Dialogue on Strengthening Community Engagement in Higher Education Institutions, 18th-19th March 2015 at CERSSE, Jain University, Bangalore, jointly organized with PRIA Delhi.
- 2014 Lok Sabha Elections: Explaining the BJP Victory in Karnataka at ICSSR National Conference on Understanding the 2014 General Election Mandate and its Impact on National Politics, 5th-7th February 2015 jointly organized by Lokniti and MLS University at Udaipur (with Sandeep Shastri)
- Service Delivery Institutions in India: Perceptions and Levels of Satisfaction, National Conference on India’s Political Economy in Transition: The Crisis of Governance, Democracy and Development, 21st-22nd December 2013, Goa university, organised by Dept. of Political Science Goa University, and Indian Institute for Advanced Study (IIAS), Shimla
- Does State level Leadership Drive Voter Choice in Lok Sabha Elections? Trends Emerging from National Election Studies (NES), Electoral Trends and Voting Behaviour in India since the 1990s, 25th-26th October 2013 at Lokniti- CSDS, Delhi (with Sandeep Shastri)
- Decentralisation and Civil Society: Elementary Education Delivery in Madhya Pradesh, Democratic Decentralisation in India- Two Decades of Constitutional Amendments: Experiences, Issues and Challenges, 25th-26th April 2013, Central University, Hyderabad
- 12. Efficiency and Equity in Delivery of Elementary Education: An Empirical Analysis in Madhya Pradesh, 12th Annual International Conference on Education for a Changing World, 10th–12th October 2012, organised by Comparative Education Society of India and University of Jammu, Jammu.